Gangland Redemption
Gangland Redemption is a Faith-Based Fictional Tale, inspired by real life events, which follows the lives of these three teens and the struggles they faced growing up in the “Barrio” of Central California.
Los Centros is a new, up and coming Latino Gang doing everything it can to develop a reputation as being the “Hardest Set” in all of Central California. One of its founding members (Pancho) had just paroled home from California’s Youth Authority system, and was determined to bring his younger brother (Alonzo) into the fold, no matter what it cost. Alonzo’s Cousin and best friend Anthony had other plans for Alonzo, which would ultimately cause Anthony to make some difficult life decisions of his own. Gangland Redemption is a Faith-Based Fictional Tale (inspired by real life events) which follows the lives of these three teens and the struggles they faced growing up in the “Barrio” of Central California, and how it impacted their lives going into adulthood. Also shedding light on how the gang life impacts the entire family unit, while the gangster pursues money, girls and a reputation; regardless of the heartache that it causes to their families.